
automated gait trainer

STOP safety manual buttons
Control panel with easy-to-use software
Implemented gait pattern
Seat assistant
28 individually adjustable fitting points
Independently adjustable orthosis  with length and thighs regulation
Full and independent mobility in 6 joints
Exercises in vertical position


Prodrobot Automated Gait Trainer is an active medical device designed for the rehabilitation of lower limbs of patients with gait dysfunctions.

Prodrobot presents a unique concept of approach to therapy. It is devoid of the treadmill, and at the same time allows for adjustable relief of the patient’s joints and reproduces the movement pattern in 6 joints. This allows you to get a variety of exercises under one structure. It is equipped with numerous regulations that allow it to be adapted to each patient individually. Operation is via the control panel and is very simple.

Prodrobot is dedicated:

  • to be used as a standing frame,
  • for patients suffering from paraplegia,
  • for people with stroke affecting gait impairment,
  • for people with Parkinson’s disease with the slowdown, muscle stiffness and impaired motility disorders of gait and postural,
  • for disorders of gait and posture in various polyneuropathies (toxic, metabolic and autoimmune nature, such as Guillain-Barre syndrome) with muscle weakness of varying severity including flaccid paralysis,
  • for patients with cerebral palsy, in which movement disorders mainly consist of muscle weakness and spasticity,
  • for patients with muscular diseases such as muscular dystrophy with progressive weakness and atrophy of muscles.


We have made big effort to be sure that therapy with Prodrobot is safe. However, keep in mind that the device is not suitable for all medical cases. In particular, please note the following contraindications:

  • if the orthosis does not fit the patient securely (leg length, hip-width),
  • body weight greater than 50kg,
  • significant muscle contractures,
  • bone instability (unstable fractures, unstable spine, advanced osteoporosis),
  • open skin lesions around legs, arms and trunk,
  • circulatory problems,
  • cardiac contraindications,
  • patient not cooperating or aggressive, for example, transitory psychotic syndrome,
  • significant cognitive deficits, no verbal contact from the patient,
  • patients treated for a long time with infusions of intravenous mechanical ventilation
  • patients with an extremely disproportionate length of limbs and/or spine (eg. dysplasias cartilage – bone),
  • serious vascular disorders of lower limbs,
  • patients with need of bed rest or immobilization due to eg. osteoarthritis or other inflammatory/infectious,
  • arthrodesis of the hip, knee, ankle,
  • active implants.

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Certified medical device

Prodrobot is a class IIa medical device. As such, it is subject to the stringent requirements of international medical standards. In 2015, the product underwent tests to demonstrate compliance with medical standards. Both Prodrobot and Prodromus Ltd successfully completed the research and audit, which resulted in the obtaining of certificates, issued by a notified body TUV Rheinland.

Created in collaboration with respected authorities

From the beginning, great emphasis was placed on acquiring knowledge from experienced people in the field of physiotherapy, anatomy, biomechanics and neurology.
Cooperation was established with specialists in the field of control, measurement and drive systems.
The collected knowledge came from verified sources and was also verified many times during development and testing.

Ideally developed and innovative

The construction uses materials and components of the highest quality. Some of them are successfully used even in the space industry.
The applied consistent philosophy in the field of design gave results in the form of intuitive operation, characteristic of modern and innovative devices.

Effective and safe

Based on a retail risk analysis, a safe product was created for both, the patient and the therapist.
In everyday work with patients, Prodrobot confirms its effectiveness by intensifying the therapy and its effects. Small patients under the supervision of a therapist have the opportunity to perform a set of exercises unavailable to any device in the world.



How is the patient mounted in Prodrobot?

The Prodrobot device has a sitting assistant, the patient in a sitting position is fastened with a harness and fixing the limbs.

In Prodrobot Magna there is a ramp for wheelchairs and a harness that fastens in a sitting position. The crane lifts the patient to an upright position to match the other fixings.

What devices does ProdElvis work with?

ProdElViS can be used as a biofeedback application and can be fully adapted to many devices dedicated to gait re-education and improvement of gait functionality, such as exoskeletons, trainers, walkers.

How can the device be adapted to work with ProdElvis?

The minimum requirements for system adaptation for other rehabilitation devices are:

  • dedicated mechanical elements for encoder assembly,
  • shoe insoles equipped with force sensors and connector,
  • wireless power supply system (charger + battery),
  • application available on various mobile devices.

What are the hardware requirements for installing ProdElvis?

ProdElvis works on Linux and Windows operating systems. The technical condition of the computer (i.e. processor, memory) only affect the smoothness of the application.

Where can you see Prodrobot?

Feel free to follow our website and fanpage on Facebook. We try to inform you about open shows, workshops and fairs where Prodrobot takes part.

Moreover Prodrobot is available in several facilities in Poland under the conditions set by their owners.

What are the dimensions of patients who exercise on Prodrobot?

With Prodrobot, the patient’s weight must not exceed 50 kg. Growth is limited primarily by the length of the limbs. This is due to the distance between the axis of the joints (ankle-knee, knee-hip), which should be between 29 and 37 cm for each pair of joints. This translates into a total patient height in the range of about 110 to 150 cm height. An important parameter is also the width of the hips, which can not howl more than 29 cm.

In contrast, Prodrobot Magna is adapted for patients between 140 and 200 cm height and weighing up to 130 kg.

What exercises does Prodrobot do?

Several exercises are available with adjustable intensity:

  • Walk – plays the anatomical gait patten
  • Swings – execution of gait without bending the knees
  • Squats – at the same time both legs are moving with the knee flexion
  • Bicycle – simulating the movement of pedaling on a bicycle
  • Stairs – simulating the stairs walking

All exercises allow you to adjust the speed and motion range.

How is Prodrobot powered?

Prodrobot is powered by a single-phase 230V electricity, like most household electrical appliances.
It is important that Prodrobot works in a electricity network protected by a differential switch, which makes it safe and in accordance with the standards requirements.

What are the dimensions of Prodrobot?

Prodrobot is a compact unit. The width of the device is 88 cm, length 76 cm, height 117 cm in sitting position and 147 cm in standing position.

Prodrobot Magna is a larger device, but it still does not require placing in special rooms. Its dimensions are 119.6 cm wide, 134.5 cm long and 180.9 cm high at rest, and 280.9 cm high.

How much Prodrobot weighs?

Prodrobot is about 160 kilograms.

Do you offer any solution for adults?

For adults, i.e. patients over 140 cm height, Prodrobot Magna is dedicated – it will has the premiere in 2022.

Can Prodrobot be bought by private individuals?

Yes, the device is small and easy to use at home.

Do I need special courses / education to operate with Prodrobot?

The robot’s operation is very simple and intuitive. Initial training is short and it is enough to use Prodrobot by yourself.

Is the device designed for active or passive exercise?

Prodrobot is a tool that can be used in a therapist’s hands in a passive and active way to a certain extent. When the patient is left alone and does not put effort into the training, you can certainly call it passive. When the therapist helps the patient to imitate the movement of the robot and stimulates the patient’s work to perform the correct movements, the therapy becomes active. The patient under the eye of the therapist puts a lot of effort into the training and Prodrobot only assists and watches over that each step will go to the ideal. The device continuously operates with invisible feedback system, which several times per second measures motion parameters and adjusts the power of the drives depending on how the patient affects on the orthoses.

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